The Films range from 4 to 20 minutes, the styles are drama, dark comedy, comedy, animation and experimental. Russ has made a selection of film makers from around the globe.
Doors open at 18:00 and films will be shown from 20:00-21:45. Russ will briefly introduce each film and tell you something about each director, (in English).
The address is Im Prüfling Strasse 42, up from Bornheim Mitte, the name is "Stilbruch Lounge" Please come early for seating is limited.
Russ is looking forward in sharing some really great films with you! This is a laid back and casual event, drinks and food can be purchased throughout the evening.
Find out more on Russ's following websites:
www.luckysago. de
www.bughouse7000. De
星期六早上 逛市場
Laurent from France can best describe this event, so allow me to quote him:
this group does not involve any psychedelic drug and does not either
require to be a fan of Jimi Hendrix ;-)
it's only about curiosity, fresh fruits,internationa l food, vegetables, fun, seafood, wursts, italian food, sushi, gourmets, fishes, making friends,delicatesse n, asian food and much more including wine!
because the Kleinmarkthalle in Franfurt is a wonderful place that any motioner in search of the missing ingredient should know........ because it is more lively than food shoping in Aldi........ ...because it is a nice way to exchange recipes..... ......... because I go there almost every week anyway......
Is anyone interested to join?
I propose to meet this coming Saturday (March 7th), in front of the
entrance on Hasengasse at 10am.
星期六晚上 Disco club
On Saturday 07/03 at The Pure Basement is the monthly appointment with Classics & Mixed Up music. The Pure Basement is a loft-like event location which is unique in Frankfurt; inimitable regarding design and ambiance, high-grade by custom-made lounge chattels respectively the lighting and situated in the former building of Deutsche Post.
The entrance will cost 5 Euro ( after 23 pm the entrance price is 8 Euro), and we will have a table booked. Hope to see you all...:))
If you want to learn more about the location also see the Guide entry: