上個禮拜因為去受訓,所以這星期要完成上星期的工作,只是來自組內組外的工作通通積在一起,因此還挺忙碌的。昨天一整天是在收集客戶和研究市場的資料,晚上去上德文課,然後又和Taiger去吃半價肋排,回到家都快十二點了,洗個早也快一點,然後今天早上該是七點半起床醒來卻是八點半,還好公司的制度讓我不擔心XD 十點到公司,連上網就開始mail不斷,只弄了一些原本要處理的報告,然後處理些其他事情,收集我該負責組內的東西。經過上次的受訓和遇到Malaysia的同事,和我們組的Lothar變更熟了,我說我要說服他到台灣玩,他說他這週末已經去書店找台灣的資訊了,兩個人在那邊幻想說去亞洲工作,然後去潛水。因為之前聊到他的興趣,他說他愛潛水,可以去湖裡潛水,我和Malaysia的同事聽到都笑出來,不過是真的可以,而且好像還超超棒,四周都是冰天雪地,而湖裡溫度還比較高。真是太酷了,回台灣我也想拿潛水執照!
Tanya 說 : Hello
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Hello
Tanya 說 : how r u?
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Fine thank you. How about yourself?
Tanya 說 : I am ok
Tanya 說 : start to be busy
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Glad to hear it.
Tanya 說 : ha
Tanya 說 : maybe it is a good news
Tanya 說 : I need your help
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : If you are busy, it is always good news.
Tanya 說 : then, thats a good news since this week
Tanya 說 : there is a band from Taiwan that will have performance in all europe
Tanya 說 : can you held me spread out the information
Tanya 說 : because i cannot log on to BBS
Tanya 說 : blocked by the company
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : You mean that you would like to send an email to everyone?
Tanya 說 : no..
Tanya 說 : i want to sent it to you
Tanya 說 : maybe you can post it on the bbs
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : I don't know what bbs is?
Tanya 說 : ....
Tanya 說 : hmm....
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : And if the company blocks it, how will I get access?
Tanya 說 : did I get you wrong...
Tanya 說 : are you dodo Huang?
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Who do you think I am?
Tanya 說 : haha
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : No, I am Doug Downing.
Tanya 說 : ah....
Tanya 說 : My god!
Tanya 說 : I thought you are my friend
Tanya 說 : I am sooooo sorry
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Does this mean I can't be your friend?
Tanya 說 : of course you can be my friend :)
Tanya 說 : but maybe you have to know what BBS is :D
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Okay. Works for me. No need to be sorry, and the next time in the office you and I will laugh together
Tanya 說 : yes....
Tanya 說 : haha
“我以為是dodo的人” 說 : Bye for now. And sned me a link to the band so I can llisten
Tanya 說 : that would be cool!!!
Tanya 說 : have a nice evening!
非常好,這個“我以為是dodo的人”是公司的大老闆 =.= 而且還是第一次和這老闆丟skype……

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